
Les jeudis de l’Institut historique allemand

Andreas Mehler, L’Afrique centrale: les limites de la gestion internationale des conflits depuis 1960

  • Afrika Vortrag
  • 18:00 Uhr (07.02.) - 20:00 Uhr (07.02.)
  • DHIP

Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe »Les jeudis de l’Institut historique allemand«

Andreas Mehler (Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, Universität Freiburg-im-Breisgau),
L’Afrique centrale: les limites de la gestion internationale des conflits depuis 1960

Kommentar: Roland Marchal (Sciences Po Paris)

Der Vortrag wird gemeinsam mit dem REASOPO organisiert.

Zum Vortrag:
Andreas Mehler argues that efforts of international conflict management in Central Africa lack effectiveness for a number of reasons: The political legacy of colonization and decolonization consists inter alia in an extreme personalization of power, weak institutions to limit presidential power, therefore possibilities for abuse and ability to govern based on a mixture of repression and cooptation in most countries of the sub-region. The second most important source of conflict dates also back to colonial times: negligence of the peripheries in public goods provision. The political remedies to conflict do not sufficiently take this two-fold legacy into account. Demining tense local power relations, but also the local-national nexus in conflict escalation or the localized political economy of war are all beyond the scope of action of international conflict management schemes. Furthermore, Central Africa as a sub-region lacks a working subregional organization to address conflict causes and manifest crises. Finally, unintended consequences of intervention arguably have worsened some situations.

Die Vortragsreihe »Les jeudis de l’Institut historique allemand«, zielt darauf ab, aktuelle wissenschaftliche Debatten und Kontroversen in einem kritischen Dialog aufzugreifen und Wissenshorizonte über fachliche, geografische, sprachliche oder methodische Grenzen hinaus zu erweitern.

Informationen und Anmeldung: event@dhi-paris.fr