
Les jeudis de l’Institut historique allemand

  • Conférence Époque moderne
  • 18h00 (20.04.) - 20h00 (20.04.)
  • IHA

Ulinka Rublack (université  de Cambridge), The Politics of Sixteenth-Century Fashion: Le banquier mis à nu
Commentaire: Jean-Marie Le Gall (université Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Conférence en anglais

At the heart of this paper lies the interpretation of a unique manuscript which Ulinka Rublack has edited together with Maria Hayward. In The First Book of Fashion she argues that only one original of this manuscript exists, in the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum in Brunswick, and that a similar manuscript in the Bibliotheque nationale in Paris is indeed an early eighteenth century copy. This copy has been edited by Gallimard with the title Un Banquier Mis a Nu. Rublack connects a discussion of the manuscript to the wider history of dress and what Michael Baxandall called the Renaissance period eye – so that understanding clothing and colour turns us into anthropologists of the past.  The politics of colour at the Imperial Diet of Augsburg in 1530 will be particularly emphasized. The paper also tells the story of an intellectual journey that was a great experiment – re-creating one of Matthäus Schwarz’s outfits, and towards the end of the lecture a film will be shown of this recreation undertaken by Jenny Tiramani, acclaimed Director of the London School of Historical Dress.