
Games and Competitions in Medieval Sociability

  • Conférence Moyen Âge
  • 14h15 (05.07.) - 15h45 (05.07.)
  • Leeds

Section au International Medieval Congress, Leeds, organisée par l’IHA (V. Kopp).
Modération: Jessika Nowak, Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Francfort-sur-le-Main

Vanina Kopp (IHA), ›My lady, may I ask you...‹: Literary Games and Poetic
Competitions at the French Court

Constanze Buyken (IHA), Staging Configurations of Gender in the Late Medieval Tournament: Representations, Norms, and Cultural Practices between Gender Conformity and Gender Non-Conformity

Guillaume Bureaux (IHA), Union and Disunion of the Nobility: The Role of Passages of Arms in Games of Rivalries in Princely Courts during the 15th and 16th Centuries